Miesto kde ožívajú legendy spolu s atmosférou stredoveku a renesancie


Ancient fortress

Lord of Libra and the Tatras

The national cultural monument Beckov Castle accumulates a truly rich history around itself. The first written mentions come from the time of the reign of King Belo III of Hungary. An anonymous chronicler working at his court described in his work the progress of the Old Hungarian tribes during the invasion of Great Moravia, mentioning also the seizure of Beckov Castle, then called Blundus. This name corresponds to other written messages and also agrees with the later name of Blondóc.

At the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries, royal power grew significantly in the country. In the castle, this was reflected in its stone reconstruction. In particular, the premises of the upper castle and the northern palace were built. The length of the castle from this period was set at 100 m. At the end of the 13th century, a refuge tower of the bergfrit type was built in the south-eastern part of the upper castle.